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“Life’s messy scraps are just material for your next creation.”

“For the past four years, I’ve been dreaming about starting this blog, but I kept putting it off, convincing myself it was just too difficult or that no one would bother reading it. I’d tell myself all the usual excuses— ‘It’s too much work,’ or ‘What’s the point if it goes unnoticed?’ But lately, I’ve realized those worries don’t hold the weight they once did. I’m not doing this for perfection or an audience; I’m doing it because it’s hard, because it pushes me to learn something new, and because there’s life in the trying—even in the stumbles and failures. I’m 52 now, with a full plate of work, personal responsibilities, my health, and my love for crafting, and yet I’m still uncovering lessons I wish I’d grasped years ago. I’m a busy person, always juggling, always growing, and I figure if I write it all down here, maybe someone else might stumble across a bit of wisdom they can use too.

I unwind, decompressing by making greeting cards—they fill me with such joy, but keeping them boxed up breaks my heart. Step two, after I get the hang of WordPress and blogging for a bit, is to add a store here, so others can share in that happiness. For now, I’ll post pictures of my cards for you to enjoy!”